Why should I set goals?

Setting goals is an awesome way to build up your matched betting profits. This isn't a get-rich-quick scheme. Instead, it's a long game and you need to be thinking long-term. This is where setting smaller targets along the way can help your mindset.

It can help to think about why you want to make some extra money each month. Is there something in particular that you're saving for? For example, some members use ProfitDuel to save towards their wedding, vacation or a new car. What's on your dream shopping list?

It can also help to think SMART when setting goals:

  • Specific amounts
  • Measurable results
  • Achievable results
  • Relevant results (based on time and bankroll input)
  • Timely targets

Although it sounds a bit formal, this framework can help you define your goals in a way that's clear and easy to understand. It keeps you focused, ensures you can track your progress, and increases your overall chances of matched betting success.